Monday, May 14, 2012

Fashion Inspiration: Mr. Rogers

It was only a matter of time before I posted about Mr. Rogers.  I'm pretty sure he has to be a secret librarian- loves educating his public on all matters, is super involved in the community, and has work and home cardigans.  Total Librarian.

I was inspired because I was talking on the phone with my friend (who called to congratulate me on graduating! Wee!  I can't believe I officially have my MLS degree!) and was mentioning that I just needed to change into yoga pants and my home cardigan.  She went, "Home cardigan?  Who are you, Mr. Rogers?  Are you going to hang out with Trolley?!!"

I am proud to call Mr. Rogers fashion inspiration.  I mean, his color palette may be pretty neutral but the man knows how to wear a cardigan:


I will be wearing a few cardigans this week as I work my last few shifts here as a graduate assistant in the cold library and then I will be starting to pack to move back with my family so I can work a part time job at my most favorite public library in the world.  

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